Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Cousin Andrew and Cousin Mel Pay a Visit to Staunton

Our Cousins Andrew and Mel came to visit Staunton this past weekend. They went to a wedding at the Frontier Culture Museum Saturday night and then visited us breakfast Sunday morning. It was very nice to catch up with them. We haven't seen them in a long time. Unfortunately, little cousin Maggie (their daughter) wasn't with them. Hopefully they will come back again soon (with Maggie next time).

Monday, June 18, 2007

Mmmmm.... Water

Can you tell Sylvester (our cat) is a little odd when it comes to water? I thought cats hated water! Not Sylvester. He absolutely loves it. He will sit in the sink, play in the toilet and after we have showered he'll stand under the shower head in the tub and wait for the water to drip on him.

Mac Being Photographed For the Local Paper

Just a few photos of Mac and Pat being photographed by Mike Tripp of the Staunton Newsleader (our local paper) for a story on the new booster seat law to take effect July 1st. I thought it would be neat to take pictures of the photographer in action. Here is a link to view the story and picture of Mac...